Greg Heilers

Dad & Husband. Agency Owner. Course Creator. Former Farmer & Freelancer.

I love putting in elbow grease. My work history includes:

  • Edited 10,000,000 words;

  • Wrote 5,000+ articles & 3,000+ media pitches;

  • Co-founded an agency that's sent out 250,000+ media pitches, and helped clients create 25,000+ media relationships.

  • Before all that digital work, I was fortunate to work around the world in sustainable agriculture, conservation, and community building.

I also love shortening learning curves. That's why I've spoken at conferences, hosted seminars, and created a course. I share everything I know about outreach & writing here:

Some of my work:

As Co-Founder of Jolly SEO, I've grown a client & team roster each to 50+.Learning client & talent management, marketing, cash flow management, and more has been both extremely challenging & rewarding.I have found that growing to $1M+ in gross revenue wasn't the hard part. Staying above that, while staying sane, has been the huge learning curve.To share my knowledge and hopefully shorten & soften other agency owners' learning curves, I offer my agency owner consulting service here:

I also have the privilege to serve my family.
This site is dedicated to my life's work: business and personal. A little about me:

  • Enjoy speaking Spanish & Mandarin

  • Met wife in Guatemala, married into Chinese culture

  • Favorite hobbies: hiking, gardening, reading

  • Children: 2

  • Music: Chillhop, instrumental jazz rap, etc.

Get Results

Win with Journalist Outreach

Build backlinks, earn awareness, and increase authority. SEO & PR the right way: the earned way.With HARO's death, you now need mastery of Profnet, Connectively, Featured, Help A B2B Writer, and HERO.There is a lot to learn, I know. Let me save you time and money.This 90-minute course is invaluable for marketers and SEOs, business owners and freelance writers.How do you earn Google-algorithm-safe backlinks & PR? Click Play:

But, if HARO is dead... does all this still work in 2024? Sure it does:

Why this course? I’m no e-guru. I’m simply an expert at journalist outreach:++ Over a 2-year period, I personally wrote 3,000+ of these email pitches. My win rate was 1 in 5.++ Over 5 years building Jolly SEO's journalist outreach team, I have trained hundreds of writers to send 250,000+ pitches, earning 25,000+ high authority, Google-safe wins for our clients.

++ Want the same for your business? This course will kickstart your skills and success in journalist outreach:

Not convinced by that intro? Here is one student's feedback: "I'm afraid you're selling this way short. You've got specific, valuable info here." -Bobby Kennedy, Founder at

Proven Advice

Learn with an Expert

Business owners, managers, inhouse employees, and freelancers alike use this course's tips to earn high quality media wins. Are you an SEO or marketer?No matter why you've landed on this page, buy this course and you'll agree with fellow students like Jonathan Prichard, Owner of"That was super helpful feedback!! I'll pass it on to the writer. Specifically cutting out fluff, unnecessary transitions that make it difficult to copy and paste, shorter sentences, less sentences per paragraph, and considering nofollow links."

More Opportunities, Faster

I'll teach you how to quickly find opportunities for your exact needs, saving you time every pitch you send. I'm also including a free aggregator with hundreds of daily opportunities.This course also saves you money, with discounts for useful tools like With both easy-to-use UI & email notifications for relevant opportunities, half the work is already done for you!

Proper Pitching

Style Matters

The techniques in this course are shaped by my sending 3,000+ pitches with a 1 in 5 win rate, and growing Jolly SEO to earn 25,000+ wins from 250,000+ pitches.Jolly's quality standards are by far the best in the industry. See the Head of SEO at CoinMarketCap's honest review to the right. You can achieve these same results with this course:

Work that Stands the test of time

Long-Lasting ROI

Unlike paid backlinks & PR opps, these links stand through Google algorithm updates and website revamps for years. See evidence here:

You can buy backlinks & PR mentions. But, it's you're risking a penalty from Google's next algorithm update.Buy this course for $99 instead, and learn how to build lasting trust with your audience & their favorite publications:

Money-Back Guarantee

Personal Guarantee

If you send 25 pitches in each of your first 3 months after completing this course, and still do not have a win 90 days later, I'll return 100% of your money.100,000 hours of experience condensed into 90 minutes; a free opportunity aggregator; discounts for tools; and more, all for only $99:

Agency Shortcuts

Learn from My Wins... and My Mistakes

Leading Jolly SEO since 2017, I have found that scaling a digital services agency to $1,000,000 annual gross revenue isn't that tricky.You just need product market fit.Staying above $1,000,000 is where things get hard:

  • Recruitment & talent retention

  • Client churn prevention

  • Expanding client acquisition channels

  • Cash flow management

  • Profit margin protection

  • Reclaiming Your Time

I have learned a lot of Founder lessons the hard way...In other words, I have failed in a lot of ways that, some of which, were preventable:

  • Lost all-star talent

  • Fumbled key accounts

  • Threw money away on over-promising vendors

  • Saw margins shrink to a low of <20%

  • Over-worked and missed out on invaluable time with my family

I also hit some home runs, and corrected a lot of those earlier mistakes:

  • Continue to work with several early, high-performing team members

  • Numerous 4+ year-old accounts continue to generate profit

  • Inhouse & vendor KPIs control business development expenses

  • Profit margins are back to 35%+

  • I reclaimed my personal & family life with workweeks averaging under 40 hours, and real vacations.

Whenever I see a newer agency owner asking questions about a challenge I've found a solution to, I offer free advice. Maybe you've seen me around in forums like Dynamite Circle, Traffic Think Tank, SEO Signals Lab, and others.But, internet comments only help so much. After I began offering my time on calls to problem-solve one-off issues, I realized that while a lot of issues seem similar, solutions need to be tailor-made. That's why I have invested $10,000+ in my own mentors and coaches.As I seek to share what I've learned the hard way, instead of an "Agency Owner 101 Course", I'm offering my time as your advisor.Engage me for a 30- or 60-day sprint, and we'll correct your most pressing issues. Whether you're trying to:

  • Hold onto your best clients & talent

  • Secure new ICPs

  • Increase existing margins

  • Improve cash flow

  • Reclaim your time

I am here to provide you with a custom solution, drawn out of my experience, network, tech stack, and skillset.Want to know more? Write me at greg@gpheilers.comI'm here to serve.

© 2024 Greg Heilers. All rights reserved.